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SmarterDocs – Powered by Apprivo

Streamline document reviews and collaborate effortlessly

Experience a unified view of document requirements, enabling brokers and operational teams to upload, review and take action all in one place.

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Easy, secure document access and management

Facilitate collaboration between brokers and underwriters with a single place to organise and share all application documents.


Discover the powerful benefits of SmarterDocs

Promote collaboration

Facilitate smoother communication between brokers and operational teams with a single place to organise and share all application documents.

Boost efficiency and productivity

Manage and review documents through a user-friendly interface to find exactly what you need at the click of a button.

Reduce risk, remain compliant

Minimise risks associated with sensitive document handling by enabling underwriters to view all application documents within the secure Apprivo system.

Keep organised and on track

Utilise features like document categories, multi-document uploads, document tracking and a full audit trail to stay organised and track document status.

Get started with Apprivo SmarterDocs
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Top Features

What does SmarterDocs offer?

Document previews

View documents directly within Apprivo. Remove the need to download sensitive information on personal devices.
A man looking at a screen holding a bit of paper with a graphic overlay of document previews
A woman looking down at a laptop screen with a graphic overlay showing document categories

Document categories

Separate applicant and application-level document requests. Provide clarity and structure to your processes.

Clear document tracking

Signpost outstanding documents. Provide visibility when documents are received, pending review or rejected.
Two women looking at a laptop with a graphic overlay of clear document tracking
Key features

Discover the new features and capabilities of SmarterDocs  


Bulk uploads
Allow brokers to upload multiple documents at once. Eliminate the need to merge multiple documents into one file.


Centralised dashboard
Review, accept, reject or request additional information from brokers all in one place. Make decisions with ease.


Help text guidance
Minimise upload errors by adding help text on requests. Guide brokers on what to upload to aid case packaging.


Fully configurable  
Customise document categories and help text guidance to align with your packaging requirements.


User permissions
Grant specific access permissions within teams. Control who can view or download documents.


Full audit trail
Maintain compliance with a comprehensive audit trail. Track and document every action on each document.

Free download

SmarterDocs user guide

Learn more about how our SmarterDocs upgrade can help streamline your operations in our handy guide.

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SmarterDocs Brochure Mock Up

Streamline your operations with SmarterDocs

"The SmarterDocs upgrade has streamlined our underwriting processes. With all key documents easily accessible in one place, our efficiency has improved. The upgrade has also greatly benefited our quality control and audit teams, making document retrieval much simpler and less time-consuming."

Mike Beckford, Head of Transformation & MI
Gatehouse Bank

See it in action

Book your personalised demo today

See firsthand how the Apprivo SmarterDocs can transform your operations and facilitate collaboration between brokers and underwriters. Book your personalised demo and take the first step towards a more efficient and collaborative future.

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Frequently asked questions

Can brokers upload multiple documents at once?

Yes, SmarterDocs allows brokers to batch upload multiple documents at once, simplifying the document submission process.

How does SmarterDocs improve document security?

SmarterDocs ensures that all documents are reviewed by operational teams within the secure Apprivo system, eliminating the need to download sensitive information onto personal devices. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive audit trail to track all document activities.

Can I configure SmarterDocs to meet our specific document packaging requirements?

Yes, SmarterDocs is highly configurable to align with your unique document packaging needs. You can customise document categories, set specific document requirements and add help text to guide brokers on uploads, ensuring a seamless fit with your existing workflows.