Employee spotlight with Sasha Sprake, Head of Business Development

September 30, 2024
July 10, 2024

We recently sat down with our Head of Business Development, Sasha Sparke, to learn more about her day-to-day role, her hobbies, and the journey that led her to join finova.  Sasha shared insights into her work and motivations, offering a glimpse into the experiences that have shaped her career.

Can you tell us a little about your background and how you came to join finova?

I don’t think I ever imagined growing up that I would end up in the financial industry, but the world does seem to work in mysterious ways! After moving away from friends and family to be closer to my husband's workplace, I found a role at a fast-growing financial tech company that suited me well. After learning so much about the industry within the data team there, I quickly moved across to working closer with lenders in a support role before eventually becoming a Sales Manager for lenders. In the following years, I was incredibly fortunate to hear about the Mortgage Club Manager role at finova and took the leap. The rest is history!

What do you enjoy most about your role?

My work day is incredibly varied - the types of products and clients I work with have a wide range of needs. With this, I’m able to work with so many of my amazing colleagues here at finova across many departments – it keeps things interesting!

What’s a typical day like for you?

That depends – which area of the business am I focusing on that day? As my role covers our entire finova Connect product range – finova Payment and Mortgage Services, SDM, and Broker ID, I could have anything from partner meetings, to contract reviews, product demonstrations to MI analysis. And that’s just a few!

Can you share a project or accomplishment that you’re particularly proud of?

This year, it has to be getting to where I am after maternity leave. I have worked incredibly hard since returning and it's wonderful to feel as though it is paying off, and that what I am doing is having a positive impact for our clients and my colleagues.

What do you like to do outside of work? Any hobbies or interests?

As the proud mum of a now two-year old working full-time, hobbies have definitely taken a back seat in the last few years. Previously, you would find me making a plethora of baked goods in the kitchen or making the most out of our National Trust membership. Now, you'll likely find me on the floor playing cars with my son, and taking walks to see how many buses he can excitedly spot- - which I feel is equally as fun!

Who or what inspires you the most in your professional life?

My husband – he'll love this - but if I’m honest I don’t need to look far afield for inspiration. Watching him achieve amazing things with his career motivates me to do the same.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Not one piece, but I have had a mentor within the industry since just after returning from leave and she has been immensely helpful in providing advice and perspective. I suppose if I could pick one thing, it’s that she has highlighted the importance of feedback, being open and honest about where you are, and what you need to get to where you want to be.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I dislike cooking - surprisingly considering my love for baking - so if I could have any superpower, it would be to summon delicious, nutritious meals at the snap of my fingers. Time-saving and healthy, what more could you want?

What’s one fun fact about you that your colleagues might not know?

Sharks have been my favourite animal (although I use the term animal loosely here!) since I was around 9 years old. I have spent many an hour when I was younger researching them as I find them fascinating!

What are you most looking forward to in the coming year at finova?

finova's technology has the real capability to innovate and transform many aspects of this industry – namely the panel onboarding, compliance and due diligence space. I am so looking forward to all the technological innovations we can bring to this area of the industry to make life for lenders and advisers alike much easier.

Are you interested in joining finova?

We have exciting opportunities available across our business. Explore our current openings on our careers page: www.finova.tech/careers